NCERT Syllabus Class 9 History

At the high school level, the Social Science subject helps the students understand the environment and develop a broader perspective of the society they live in and the human condition. At this stage, greater attention to specific themes is given through which the Social Science subject has evolved. Class 9 Social Science Subject is classified into History, Geography, Political Science, and Economics. Students can download the NCERT Class 9 History Syllabus PDF below:

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In the Class 9 History syllabus, students will study how the story of India’s past is related to the larger history of the world. The History syllabus is divided into 2 sections, which are further subdivided into numerous chapters. Also, students can have a look at the Class 9 History Syllabus of NCERT in the table below.

History: India and Contemporary World I

Unit I: Events and Processes
Chapter 1: The French Revolution
Chapter 2: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
Chapter 3: Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
Unit II: Livelihoods, Economies and Societies
Chapter 4: Forest Society and Colonialism
Chapter 5: Pastoralists in the Modern World

To ensure that students have understood all the topics in the textbook, they must solve the exercise questions, which are present at the end of NCERT Class 9 Book.

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